Happy Tezos
Dec 31st, 2023

Current Status:

Closing down at the end of 2023.

Happy Tezos Service


Your tokens never leave your wallet.



We are posting your security deposit for you, so you are baking with your entire balance.


Dashboard is available to all delegators and bond pool members.

Rewards Rate

The estimated annual rewards rate for staking on HappyTezos is around 5.5%.

Happy Tezos Delegate Address

Copied! NOT Copied :(

You can check your rewards in our Dashboard

Happy Tezos Delegation Service Fees


Current Cycle

If you delegate to us during the cycle 791, we can start baking for you in cycle 798.
Don't waste the time and delegate now!


Current Fees

You will keep 85% of all the rewards we receive from your delegation starting at cycle 798 and onwards.


HappyTezos is closing down 31st Dec, 2023


HappyTezos is closing down 31st Dec, 2023. Please remove your delegation in time.

Posted by Andrew

Rewards Payout Schedule - UPDATED!


Delegation rewards will be paid every cycle. For example:

Cycle 1 - You delegate to HappyTezos
Cycle 8 - The Tezos Blockchain assigns your delegation rights to us.
Cycle 14 - Rewards from cycle 8 unfrozen & received.
Cycle 15 - (at latest) - You're getting paid!
Posted by Andrew

Why are we not over delegated?


Safety deposits (bonds) percentage will increase linearly over the period of 6 months from 0% to target 8.25%. This means, that for the first couple cycles this percentage will be very low. Another aspect that affects needed safety deposits is the percentage of tokens, that are actively participating in creating blocks. With more tokens actively participating (baking or delegating) less safety deposits will be needed. We are calculating our required safety deposits for you.

Posted by Andrew

Over Delegation


If Happy Tezos becomes over-delegated, we will apply the first-come first-serve principle. In that case you will be able to check on this site whether you qualify for a payout during a given cycle. You can of course change your delegate anytime you want.

Posted by Andrew

I want to know more about baking!

Perfect! We have just the image you need!

Tezos Baking Recipe

Courtesy of Tezos Korea Community. AWESOME work guys!

Tezos Resources


Tezos White Paper

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About Us

HappyTezos was founded by Andrew Paulicek.

You can always contact us on email [email protected]

Our servers are located in EU (two different physical locations). We have separate front-end nodes and baker nodes servers. We are using multiple Ledger Nano S for keeping the private keys safe.

© 2024 - Agile Ventures s.r.o.